Julia Nelson                                                                                                                                 Ph:828.513.6491

Nelson Christian Counseling
                                                                                        Rutherfordton, NC   

    Now Providing Online Therapy

    We all know that self-confidence is an important trait. People who exude self-confidence do well in this world—they are successful in work and relationships. More importantly, they are happy in their daily lives and less likely to be affected by rejection, stress, and anxiety. In other words, they are more resilient. Therefore, it would
    Depression is more than sadness and dark moods. If it were a person, it would be the worst kind of liar. A liar that uses your own thoughts, fears, shame, and self- directed judgments against you. We call such internal negativity our “inner critic.” And, unfortunately, Christians suffer daily in our own heads, at our own critical
    Love is a good thing. A blessing. A beautiful gift that keeps on giving. And when we are on the receiving end of romantic love, our hopes and prayers for companionship, family, and “until death do us part” seem to be right on track. And then, inevitably, somehow, we get off track and headed our own way. Oh, we don’t mean to.
    Arguments happen. Despite what you’ve read, “happily ever after” is not the goal. And that’s a good thing. It puts too much pressure on our happy relationships to be perfectly in sync all the time. The longer we live and grow together, the more we tend to accept that discord and disagreements are part of our relationship
    Some of us feel ashamed that we can’t push the negativity away by focusing on our faith or service. Some of us feel powerless when we simply can’t think happy thoughts or “get over” an overwhelming train of thought. And some of us don’t know how to head off negative thinking before it takes hold and interferes with
    Since the first Evite arrived, you’ve been tense. Worrying. Wracking your brain for the most believable way to say you won’t be there, or anywhere, no matter how merry the event. Too many people in enclosed places, staring at you and small-talking, making you want to run for the hills. Not deck the halls. Yet, you know there is more
    The holidays, you promised yourselves you would not fight about them this year. But as the credit card swipes increase, it starts to grate on your nerves by mid-November and the pile of receipts for things no one will remember by mid-February are like kindling to the burning irritation that comes with watching your budget go up in smoke for the
    To be betrayed by your spouse or partner is excruciating. There is no reason to pretend otherwise. If you are currently in this kind of pain, please don’t feel you have to deny it or “get over it.” You are well within your rights to hurt, to feel it deeply, and to cry out to God for comfort. The vows you took were binding. They
    Blending families is a labor of love, and patience, and perseverance. Your combined family will need your persistent prayers to thrive. And your relationship must be shored up and well-supported to cope with everyday challenges. Mixing your new marriage, roles as parents and step-parents, and the unpredictability of children who may struggle